فارسی عربي


Iran drama to screen in India filmfest

Iranian film ‘A House on 41st Street’ has been selected to be shown at the 9th edition of the Bengaluru International Film Festival (BIFFES), india.

Iranian director Hamid Reza Ghorbani’s complex psychological film will be screened in the Asian Cinema Competition of the BIFFES, which will be held in two cities in India early next month.

The film will go against other 13 other flicks from countries around the world, including China, Indonesia, India and Thailand among others.

‘A House on 41st Street’ tells the story of a family who is struggling with a conflict between two brothers, followed by some unpleasant incidents between the daughter-in-law and mother of the family.

The film features famous Iranian actress Mahnaz Afshar, who has won awards for her critically acclaimed performances in the films ‘The Third Floor’, ‘Sa’adat Abad’ and ‘Snow on the Pines’.

The Bengaluru International Film Festival comprises three categories of Asian Cinema, Indian Cinema and Kannada Cinema.

Last year’s festival had a successful screening of nearly 230 films from more than 45 countries.

The ninth edition of the BIFFES will be held in the Indian cities of Bangalore and Mysuru on February 2-9.

